Monday 11 November 2013

Out with Strawberries in with Mangos!

We've learned a lot in the past 10 months of running this little business.  People like color -- especially red and ESPECIALLY strawberry.  While our pops do stay "fresh" for a while in the freezer, we strive to use in season fruit.  So, sadly soon, strawberries will no longer be in that category -- even though they are the chosen favorite of kids and adults alike.

Out with these -- this might be the last batch...

And in with these... a personal favorite of ours!

Yummy yummy mangos!

Cayenne Pineapples

We found these GIANT sized Cayenne Pineapples at the shops yesterday.  We like their name -- goes with the Cayenne Pepper that we put in with the pineapple to make our pops.  Apparently, the queen pineapple (much smaller) is used for fresh eating and the cayenne pineapple is used more for canning and juicing.  We'll let these ones ripen up a bit and then start Hluhluwe Pop production.